Are you a good match for Inara?

A super fun photoshoot in the middle of a blizzard! January 2023

My name is Inara (extra brownie points if you know the reference!), and I’m a 42-year-old smart & geeky woman** with an optimistic worldview and a cheerful demeanor. I'm also a polyamorous woman with an entrepreneurial streak, and love what I do! 

I believe that true pleasure is incredibly healing and it should be enjoyed by everyone. 

I am uniquely equipped to help curious adults lean into their authentic, genuine selves and achieve empowerment in their relationships by leveraging my years as a polyamorous woman and learned experience of clear, powerful communication and creating great boundaries.

When you look into my hazel eyes and see a bit of mischief stirring, you know you are in for a good time! 

I am a passionate woman and I am not afraid to express that. My specialty is helping you feel like the Casanova (or Cleopatra) you truly are, via a sensual and mutually pleasurable afternoon together. 

I am a hedonistic bisexual mutualist and I love to tease... 

...And since I am great at communicating what really floats my boat, leaving my company feeling 10 feet tall and bulletproof is a common side effect of time spent with me. 

I am six feet tall (barefoot) with a well-proportioned & well-toned body built on a love for life, dance & movement. I particularly love tango dancing, being outside in the sun in nature, and doing cool things with my body with cool people (like acroyoga!).

My Swedish genes have gifted me with silky soft alabaster skin, high arched feet & still amazing, all-natural 34DDs. Lucky genes plus good food and clean living have done amazing things for the rest of my body, and my brain.

I enjoy the company of all types of people, though I confess I most especially enjoy and connect with fellow geeks, techie people, business owners, triathletes, and men and women who love to laugh as much as I do.  

I have also found myself enjoying an almost coach-life relatioship with many of my clients these days. If you are embarking on a major life transition (divorce, retirement, selling a business, empty nesting, death of a partner, etc) and would like to understand how pleasure can help you during your transition open up to deeper and deeper levels or knowledge for you now, I would be honored to assist.

Above all, I adore those who communicate well and who are interested in sharing and exploring the depths of true pleasure and satisfaction.

Also, I "speak geek". Growing up reading Terry Pratchett, Larry Niven, Robert Heinlein, Orson Scott Card, and of course, Douglas Adams, how could I not? I'll get the jokes - I'll probably make a few of my own. :-P

I've been an entrepreneur nearly all of my adult life and most of my companies have used technology in one way or another. I love to read and learn more, particularly with Audible and podcasts on Spotify. You might say I spend my spare time dreaming up ways to make the world better on the grandest scale that I can imagine, then figuring out ways to help make it happen!

A look around my website and my reviews should give you a good feel for who I am and if you will enjoy my company. 

Whether your intention for our time together is a steamy tryst (or trio), a lovely date night on the town that you know is going to end well, a 'honing of skills' session, or simply a lazy afternoon of delighting in soft and sensual feminine company, I look forward to bringing pleasure to the forefront of your attention.   


  PS - …Ready to take the plunge? 

PPS - Oh yes, and I ADORE clever people who plan ahead - nudge nudge... ;) 

**My geek cred? I built my high school computer from parts bought off of NewEgg in 1998 and installed Debian Linux (and nothing else). It lasted me almost a decade before I recycled that beauty. 

Interested in something a little deeper than usual?

“Over a series of (sexy) dates, she listened compassionately and got to know me. She provided good advice, but more than anything she helped me see my life from new perspectives.

-happy client

She is knowledgeable about the dynamics of human interaction, and suggested a number of books and other resources I could consult to help find that perspective. (On one date we listened to a part of one book and discussed it! It was great).”


I am a courtesan and above all, I will remember this...

While our exchange is 'business' my business is PLEASURE and that's where my focus will be; not the clock, not your wallet, and certainly not on my next appointment.

I will be communicative with you when you contact me and direct with you about when I'm available or not. I will never leave you hanging if I don't need to and will always speak in certain terms instead of 'maybe', 'later', or 'let me see’.  I will agree to a time and I will confirm/reserve it with you, I will not forget, overbook or book back to back.

You will have my address and very solid directions so you'll know where to go when the time comes. I'll never leave you driving around a random part of town, wasting your precious time only to chastise you for being late. 

I will be ready at the time we agree to! 6pm means 6pm and that includes a FRESH, clean, and excited me ready to start our fun. I promise I will not leave you waiting in the parking lot for 20 minutes, I will be waiting for you before you even arrive. If I am running late (a once-in-a-blue-moon occurrence), I will tell you BEFORE I'm actually late so you can grab a coffee or perhaps not need to rush so much on your end.

When together, I will be excited about it! If I'm feeling sick or not in the mood, I will be straightforward about it. I will tell you as soon as I know I won't be able to be at my 100% best and I will offer something besides excuses to make up for it. This, however, won't happen often because I will only accept appointments when I'm sure I can handle them, only an emergency or a sudden illness will cause me to need to cancel.

When we do connect, I will expect the proper rate, and if you pay for an hour - you're getting 60 minutes. Not 50, not 40, not 20, and a coy smile. You are welcome to leave whenever you choose, but I will be prepared to give you my full attention for however long you have booked. 

I will not suffer... I promise I will never do anything which isn't fun for me, and I will always encourage you to follow the same rule. If it’s not fun for everyone, it isn’t fun.

I will listen to what you want and need, and I will encourage you to be communicative with me and to explore whatever you are interested in exploring.

As hard as it might be sometimes, I also promise to just be honest with you.

If your hygiene isn't 100%, I'll come up with a sweet way to tell you instead of holding back and giving you a half-assed session. I will also be clear on what I like and don't like, what my boundaries are, and what you can expect. If you do have questions, I'll offer a safe way for you to ask them.

You have chosen me above hundreds of others and I'm honored. Everything that it takes for you to come see me is taken into consideration when I accept your appointment.

And if you do become a regular, I won't start to slack because your business is 'in the bag'. In fact, I will try harder to keep you interested and happy because I know you, I feel a trust for you and I'm comfortable with you - this should be acknowledged and rewarded.

I promise to not be jealous in any way. I am full of compersion and I will be happy you're out exploring other experiences and possibilities! And if you ever need to use me as a reference, I will respond as soon as I can so that you are free to seize the night. 

Above all, you are the reason I have a career and you are the reason I love my job.... I will NEVER take that for granted. 

-- Borrowed with permission (and with slight modifications) from the brilliant and titillating Miss Victoria Rage @http://victoriarage.com


I look forward to our time together.